Canvas LMS

Cherrybrook Technology High School

Cherrybrook Technology High School


2,200 USERS



The Challenge

Cherrybrook Technology High School provides a unique environment for innovative learning by putting a premium on wireless access and the use of digital tools. As part of a broad curriculum, students are encouraged to use all of the technology available. It also offers VET (Vocational Education and Training) courses that prepare students for industry opportunities and work  placement.

For about 10 years, Cherrybrook had used Moodle and a mixture of other digital tools. “All of those were ‘sort of’ being used as learning management systems,” said Craig Anderson, Head Teacher of Information Technology. “The difficulty came when students would go to one class and use a system, then go to the next class and use another system. They were finding it difficult to keep track.” Anderson received complaints from parents about their children using multiple systems (sometimes in a single class) and being confused over where to submit assignments, get information and monitor their academic progress.

Just 25-30 percent of students used the former learning management system. Administrators wanted a new platform that met the needs of the whole school. Anderson thought of updating Moodle, but knew the project would be time- consuming because of constant new versions. 

Key Findings

Canvas allowed Cherrybrook to integrate all of its digital tools in one unified platform

Cherrybrook students participate in a 1:1 BYOD (“Bring your own device”) program

100 percent of students used Canvas after first year of adoption

The Decision

Anderson talked with other state schools and the tertiary sector about what kind of software they were using. He visited several campuses that used the Canvas Learning Management Platform. Cherrybrook went through a trial period with several products including Canvas, which involved a member from each faculty. They then gave Anderson and other administrators feedback on what worked best. “There wasn’t just one particular thing that stood out. We looked at everything that Canvas could do and how I envisioned teachers being able to pick up and run with it,” said Anderson. What was clear was that Canvas would be able to meet immediate and long-term needs of the school.

Cherrybrook chose Canvas and started to use it at the end of 2017. In 2018, all staff began to use the platform to standardise course content, modules and files. The Canvas rollout had early success: within the first four months, 25 percent of all classes (of 1400) were using Canvas and students had begun to submit their work on the platform.

Strong coordination by Cherrybrook staff allowed them to switch off their old systems and use Canvas exclusively by 2019. Instructure, the maker of Canvas, provided materials and on-site training to help with the transition. Cherrybrook identified Canvas experts in each faculty and other staff to help also.

The Results

Since adopting Canvas, Anderson said the use of Canvas product features, including SpeedGrader, has made a big difference - for them and him: “The highlight for me is giving that feedback to students in a more timely manner. It means I can get in and mark things quickly and they can get feedback on what they’ve done quickly. The students really enjoy getting feedback quickly and it’s really improved my teaching in that aspect quite a lot.”

Parents, who had in part prompted the school’s search for a new learning management system, have responded positively to Canvas. Cherrybrook’s goal is to use technology to improve teaching and learning with a BYOD (bring your own device) program and parents are pleased to see a visible return on their investment. Students (and parents) now have a consistent system to track academic progress, communicate with their teachers, and submit their work anytime and anywhere.

This early success bodes well for Cherrybrook as it continues to build a learning ecosystem through Canvas. Anderson said, “Most students jumped in early and found it much easier to use than any other system that they’ve had.”

After the first year on Canvas, the adoption numbers exceeded expectations

All students (2,000+) using Canvas

All courses published (1400)

6,000 assignments published

1,600 Canvas Discussions

700 media recordings

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