Canvas LMS

Doonside Technology High School

Doonside Technology High School


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The Challenge

Doonside Technology High School has long recognised the importance of using technology extensively. The school is known for its advanced STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and computer science education.

“We look for ways to differentiate ourselves from regular high schools in the area. I think an expert use of technology is something that we can have as a differentiator,” said Owen Hayes, Deputy Principal at Doonside. In addition, Doonside aims to:

  • Make its curriculum accessible and visible to parents, and to give students opportunities to extend themselves academically
  • Retain long-term institutional knowledge. Schools need to combat teacher turnover and the loss of expertise and quality pedagogy that goes with them if they leave.

Teachers used several disparate digital tools over the years and had Moodle as their learning management system (LMS), though usage was low because of a clunky user interface and difficult upload process. Several of them used it only as a content repository. Doonside began to look out for a new platform that would allow it to foster a strong online learning community without having to start over from scratch year after year.

The Decision

Administrators needed something that was easy to use, could host learning activities and had the capacity on which to build curriculum. Hayes had researched other LMS’s and decided that the Canvas Learning Management Platform was “something worth exploring”. He tested Canvas through a free-for-teacher version and liked it. Hayes also saw how a peer institution in the area, Callaghan College, was using Canvas to improve its teaching and learning.

Doonside contacted Canvas for more information and soon decided to make the switch. “We considered other platforms, but they were not the complete package that Canvas was. Canvas was about the course and the curriculum and we preferred that focus,” Hayes said. “Overall, Canvas is much, much easier to use than Moodle. Our staff has also said that. And in terms of things you can do with your courses and curriculum, I think that it’s better.”

Doonside implemented Canvas at the end of 2018. Buy-in from the staff was important because of the wide range of experience with technology at the school. A group of teachers across the school volunteered to be “Canvas Champions” and received initial training on the new platform. Canvas provided online documentation (including weekly checklists) to assist with the implementation.

Key Findings

Favourite features: Canvas Quizzes, Pages, and SpeedGrader that provides richer feedback

80 percent of Doonside students adopted Canvas in the first six months of implementation

2/3 of teachers used Canvas the first year

Doonside “Canvas Champions” participated in training for instructional design

The Results

The switch to Canvas has brought a change of practice and a change of culture to Doonside. Students have begun to use the Canvas Mobile APP inside and outside the classroom. Feedback has been positive and the staff has seen strong engagement from the students with a more organised, easier-to-use platform. Canvas has also sparked instances of self-paced learning within students who are motivated and tech-savvy.

As Doonside is getting more familiar with Canvas, staff want to reach usage goals so teachers can share Canvas courses, best practices, professional learning and other curriculum that someday will become institutionally embedded. The school’s “Canvas Champions” are building new curriculum and exploring the tools that can better engage students.

“I would tell someone who asks about Canvas this, - that it’s the right way to move forward for a high school in New South Wales,” Hayes said. “In terms of the ability to build curriculum, it will save teachers time and that is important because teachers are time poor. Schools have problems retaining the knowledge and resources of staff over the years. This is a good solution for that. I think it’s a great way to create a community around the school’s curriculum that’s accessible for everyone. And that’s very powerful.”

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