5 Ways to Increase Student Engagement with Video (Canvas Studio)


Canvas Studio is easy to use and multi-functional, with a minimalistic student and teacher-friendly user interface and an intuitive set of features that allow engagement beyond the classroom walls. In this on-demand webinar, learn how to increase engagement with your students using video with Canvas Studio.

Video Transcript
Being recorded, so. There we go. Now we're super excited to join you on learning more from all of our panelists for five steps to increase student engagement with Canvas Studio. Kind of our first customer marketing webinar as it is, so to speak. For all of you that are joining us, whether you're current customers or maybe soon to be customers of Canvas or you want to just learn more about Canvas Studio, we're super excited you're here. And we want you to be able to take something away from this super cool session.

I have said it multiple times. I will say it multiple times throughout the session. When I was a Canvas user and now somebody who works for the company, but as someone who was a previous client, someone that bought this product and someone that used this product on the daily, these are what I always call my Canvas heroes, the people that I always went to or asked questions of and really kind of welcomed me into the Canvas fan, so to speak, when I started using Canvas. Folks like Kona Jones is here today. She is from the teaching and learning center.

She's actually the director of teacher-- teaching and learning center there at Richland Community College. We also have another higher ed representative, Dr. Shaun Nuffer, senior director teaching and learning, TCS Education Systems. Jim Wolf, K12 representative, a Canvas admin, a TOSA, teacher on special assignment, instructional technology specialist at Yorkville CUSD. And Chris Giles who is joining us-- oh, I went too far, didn't I? Chris Giles who is joining us from Beaverton, Oregon one of our good friends there as a Canvas admin and teacher on special assignment as well.

Yeah, you're right I did not reshare my screen. Things are going really well this morning. We had an internet outage really quickly right before we started. So there we go. We're back thank you Chris for letting us know.

But these are our amazing panelists. We have higher ed representatives as well as K-12 representatives. Super excited to hear from both sides. We do believe there are folks joining us from all across North America that are either in higher ed or K12. We promise we will focus in on each one of these elements, because we do believe Studio is one of those tools that kind of really represents itself well in both instances without there being major changes.

But every one of these folks that are joining us have a different and unique perspective on how to use Canvas Studio, and have been kind of superfans of the product for a really long time. I'm going to let them introduce themselves and their school and institutions when we get started. I'll talk a little bit about my experience. We'll tell you what Canvas Studio is, then we'll dig into the why. So I am absolutely have failed enough this morning.

I'm turning it over to you Kona Jones to give us an introduction. Well, as all of us who use technology know, the only time that you ever have problems is when you are demoing live with people. So this is just to be expected. I mean, you just make everyone feel comfortable because when they know it's not them. It happens to all of us.

But [INAUDIBLE] welcome everyone. It's so great to be here. I'm from Richland Community College. As you can see from my picture on the slide, this is an actual picture. You can see Richland Community College going up the side of our wind turbine.

That is what it looks like. We are in rural, and I do mean all caps rural Illinois. Our student population, we have about 3,400 students. A majority are part time because we are a community college. We've been long time Canvas users, since 2012, so way back.

We are coming up close on our and we've also been using Studio since 2018. So well before pandemic time we were lucky enough to already have Studio and already be using it in different capacities. Also as a side note, I am an educator as well as the director of our teaching and learning center. I teach statistics and developmental psychology using Canvas for both of those. EDDIE SMALL: Thank you, Kona.

OK, I think it's your turn Dr. Nuffer, appreciate it. All right. I am Sean Nuffer. So my role is very similar to Kona's I'm figuring out.

I'm the director of teaching and learning at TCS Education System, which isn't one school. We are a conglomeration of non for profit small institutions, and I provide some of that centralized support. So we have brilliant faculty who are subject matter experts in their field, and my role is just to give them the resources so that they can teach what they know because knowing a lot about something doesn't automatically mean you're good at teaching that thing. But you can be. And so that's my role.

As a night and weekend passion project, I also want to dedicate to Canvas users. So I have the website that I threw up on there, howtocanvas. com. And I have a section for Studio videos, just some videos that I've created on how I use Studio and some tips and tricks, and how to be excellent Canvas users. EDDIE SMALL: I do not mean to forward that quickly-- SEAN NUFFER: [INAUDIBLE] I know.

That's my hook. EDDIE SMALL: Dr. Nuffer no. No If you don't know Dr. Nuffer from TCS Education Systems get to know him.

Howtocanvas. com. A lot of us are probably-- we don't have our cameras on, but if we did, we'd be doing this, yes absolutely, 100%. Sean has a fantastic website and series of how to Canvas, and he does some specific videos, correct, on Studio, and they are absolutely fantastic. And it's the reason why he's here today.

So thank you for sharing with us your knowledge today, Dr. Sean. SEAN NUFFER: Thanks. My friend Jim Wolf from the great state of Illinois. Yeah.

And seriously, Eddie is not lying when he said we would all be saying yes. Howtocanvas. com is amazing. Sean has done an amazing job with that and putting together all these great videos to teach all those of us who think we know a lot about campus and those that don't know a lot about Canvas, really dig in and utilize different tools. But-- so yes, so I'm from Yorkville CUSD 115.

Our district has about 6200 students. We have 400 certified staff, members. We have nine schools. However, only two of our schools are using Canvas. We use Canvas from 7th grade through 12th grade.

We are also a rural community, rural slash suburban community. We have been using Canvas since 2015. I am Canvas administrator for my district along with two others. And a lot of the training that happens in our school with Canvas happens through me and my two teammates. Canvas really rocks.

We had looked at everything else and landed with Canvas which we feel was the best option. And after six years we still feel it's the best option as far as LMS goes. Yeah, Jim was a long time Canvas user and fan of the product. Again, welcomed me into the Canvas fam along with all of these other cool folks. And we're super excited to get his experience in Canvas Studio today, a very unique experience in his instance.

So now, the man, the myth, the legend, Chris Giles. JIM WOLF: Yes. The one the only. Chris Giles, if I'm-- I might be speaking out of turn here. I'm not-- Hope I don't offend anybody, was our very first Canvas livestream participant I believe.

When we started doing Canvas livestream for customers to discuss how to use Canvas quickly the tip guy had all the tips and tricks. So we're hoping that when you see him it's a very familiar face. Also, he works for a giant enormous school district up there in Beaverton, Oregon. So I'll let him talk a little bit about that, and then we'll jump right in. Hey friends.

First of all, welcome and thank you for joining us. We love when we have an audience of fellow Canvas users and fellow Canvas family. Real quickly, just I'm in Beaverton school district, a small district of around depending on where we're at, the third largest district in the state. But we've been using Canvas for five years. This is our first year, finishing off our first year, using Canvas Studio.

And I can't speak much more-- I mean, I cannot speak probably highly enough about Canvas Studio, but we love it and we're super appreciative the fact that we actually have this tool and product in our teacher's hands today. So happy to share our experiences and why we love it today. Yeah, you'll notice that Chris is very active in the chat. So as you're asking questions he's usually the guy that's right on the spot on answering, which I greatly appreciate. And have gotten to know him and just appreciate everybody on the panel.

But I've got know all of you very personally on this, and excited to just be a part of this webinar and really learn from you because I always learn something new every time we do one of these. I did want to give you some of my background as someone who does work. I'm the senior manager of customer marketing here, structure, specific Canvas LMS is what we're focused in on today in Canvas Studio but with a background in education. I actually worked in education for 12 years prior to coming over to Canvas, and I was the Google guy. I got all the Google certifications you can think of, was Google innovator and was a CTE innovation coach at a career center that taught both higher ed courses and juniors and seniors in the K through 12 district.

So super excited to kind of give you my perspective from someone that lived right in the middle of both of these worlds. I do a little podcast called The Canvas Caster, shameless plug as always. But I have a really, really strong passion for video in the classroom because these are some of my students that we did-- I was-- I ran an audio video program for eight years at my old high school. We had a radio station that we built. We had a TV station that we built, and media was always something that was a part of my life since I was a kid, and grew up to actually teach kids on video and audio production.

So I always love to show these because video doesn't just go level deep with me in Canvas Studio. It's rooted in a deep belief that anything we do video production wise, whether it's creating our own screencasts or introducing ourselves to the class or using video in a discussion, that any type of these productions enhance learning and engagement, period, full stop. I don't know if there's another tool or a better tool that helps you in the classroom or you with your students or your institutions, your universities, then being able to connect with them-- and I think it's obviously grown since the pandemic, but able to connect with them through a video tool. And that's where Canvas Studio really shines. So we want to just show you briefly, because there are some people here that are like, I'm just-- I'm very early in the Canvas stage.

I want to know more about Canvas Studio. And we have a great video that outlines that. So let's take a look. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] [MUSIC PLAYING] Learning wasn't meant to be a one way street. For learning to stick, students need to do and make, not just watch it and listen.

They need interaction, collaboration, feedback. Canvas Studio transforms video learning by turning content into conversation. Here's how it works. Educators can create a variety of media experiences for their courses, from self recorded video to interactive discussions around other content. Students can create videos too as assignment submissions, presentations, peer feedback, or ways to practice.

Everyone gets their own personal media library. Want to bring YouTube content into the mix? No problem. And accessibility is built right in. Focus students' attention with timestamp comments then turn those comments into conversations. Embed quiz questions to gauge understanding of key concepts at key moments then send the scores straight to the grade book.

Want a deeper look at engagement? Studio offers second by second, student by student analytics. See what sinking in and what's falling flat. Personalize, refine, repeat. And of course Canvas Studio integrate seamlessly with the Canvas LMS. That means Studio can deliver videos exactly how students and teachers want to see them through Canvas mobile apps.

It means your institution gets full control of its video assets and a simple storage and bandwidth solution, and your students get richer Canvas courses. No extra logins and a more fluid learning experience, whether they're online, in person, or somewhere in between. Ready to make video learning more powerful? Learn more about Canvas Studio at instructure. com. [END PLAYBACK] EDDIE SMALL: It's one of my absolute favorite videos.

Get it to stop. It's one of our absolute favorite videos when it comes to introducing Canvas Studio to a staff. And we have a comment here in our chat that says, can we get a link to this video? Absolutely. I will throw that in the chat very shortly. We have an entire kind of web environment built around showing some of these resources to you.

And I'll give you kind of the higher ed side and the K through 12 side through those links. So you'll be able to not only see that video, but also any PDFs or any other supports that you might need, links in the community. I'm sure they will all come up on how to use Canvas Studio and why it's important. These videos were super impactful for me as a district coach and someone who worked really closely with university teachers to talk about how to be more engaging with technology, and I know they can be valuable to you as well. So we will definitely share all those resources with you today.

So what in the world is Studio? Again, just a brief overview. It's a video management tool. It's kind of the one stop shop for all things video. We do believe it does increase your engagement when you kind of take it to the next level, either that's through comments or using it in some discussions or announcements when you're embedding them into your Canvas content. We have heard some feedback that it's a really great tool to kind of remove those YouTube ads, right? We can add those videos in.

It kind of eliminates some of those ads in some instances. So having that ability is great. Also doing video quizzing and studio submission. It can always be found. If you are a current Canvas user that has purchased Studio as the Canvas add on, you will see the Studio logo and button there in your global navigation.

And then once you load it for the first time it looks like this, a blank slate. I love blank slates. This is a great way to get started and super easy. And again, someone who has kind of lived their life in video production I was always just-- I was blown away the first time I clicked add or clicked record on how easy it was to start putting content into your virtual management tool. So these are the types of things we want you thinking about when you're evaluating Canvas Studio with other products.

That YouTube integration, obviously really easy to bring YouTube videos in or create your own, that blended and asynchronous learning. And any student submissions that you're thinking about, people that can submit video projects or people that can submit video feedback directly in your course, those students have the ability to do that. And then obviously the analytics side, sneak peek we have a huge, huge stream coming up next Monday that's in the works. It's very quick. Our product team and our product marketing team want to jump on a livestream immediately to talk to you about some Canvas Studio analytics that are going to be super slick, and kind of-- I think a lot of prayers will be answered in our panelists group when we talk about viewer analytics.

So super excited to show those off on next Monday. But I want Kona Jones to dive in and talk about interaction and kind of how she uses it through a lot of these different activities as well as some accessibility. I was previewed a little bit of this yesterday, and I'm so excited to dive into this conversation. Yeah. Well, I think-- I mean, obviously there's so many amazing ways that you can use Studio.

There're so many different words we could use in ways that it gets at it. But let's just go ahead and jump into that first example. And for me this is one of the first ones. We've been using studio since 2018, and as soon as I saw the discussion, I thought, my faculty are going to love this. I've got-- This is my own video that I then you can see that here-- And these are-- I actually made my faculty do this for me so that way I would have a clean screenshot.

So no FERPA issues. But you can see, and this is what my students do, I've got this instructional video and then my students can actually ask questions about it. And so this is whether-- I mean, I've done a hybrid, I've done a online, I've done this face to face, and regardless of the modality-- and this is something I've said before, regardless of the modality, Studio fits with all of the modalities, right? It does-- this isn't something you use just during a pandemic. I mean, granted I'll say it was amazing to have during the pandemic, but even coming out this is something my faculty have been using and will continue to use because students can ask questions. I do this with my syllabus and that way they can engage with my syllabus.

I have an instructor who has students upload-- it's a-- I'm trying to think of the exact name. It's a hand skills type of thing where they are doing search. That's search tech. And so the students have to videotape themselves doing their search tech hand skills. Then they upload it in to a discussion, and then that way other students can kind of see them doing their hand skills and comment on each other.

So you want to talk about engagement, imagine having all of those layers of engagement with students can kind of comment on each other as well as your own content. Then we can go ahead and look at the next one. And for me this is one I really like. And so I know a lot of times our students, especially over the last year, I've got a 9-year-old daughter who would just sit there and blankly watch her videos. And the entire time she was blankly watching her videos I wished that they had Studio, because what I've done with my videos is start inserting just some of these questions.

Now, you can do it for credit or no credit, but regardless, it's going to prompt students to think about what did I just listen to. And if they can't answer it they get the chance to go back and rewatch the section right before that to make sure they understand this. And this is a great way for them to be interacting with the content and interacting with that video. So they're not just passively sitting there watching a video. They have to actually be thinking and interacting with the content instead of just letting it play out.

So for the next example annotations is new. And I know a lot of people might not have played around with it, but I absolutely love it. So for me, one of the first things I did is that I've got an online probability calculator. And so in all of my videos where I use that tool I was able to go through an add that annotation like in here and then it's the direct link. So that way as students are following along with me as I'm going through my different problems and they're like, oh, instead of having to go look up that probability calculator or they can see it on the screen and then they're trying to type it, they can just click on it and it goes.

Something else that I found it really useful is if you don't want to use the quiz or maybe you want to kind of layer it together, you could actually prompt students in your video, and this is that interaction part, pull up that annotation and have them think about and write down two different examples of what we just covered. And you can even say, write down two examples and bring them to class. And so you could literally annotate and add-- I mean, so it's almost like you giving the lecture and then adding those extra layers of things in. And then just my last slide and this is kind of my push for accessibility, if students can't hear it or even let's say they're in a place where they-- I mean, I've got a lot of students who are at work and they're watching my videos, captions are so important. I mean, it just evens that playing field for everyone.

So if you want students to be able to interact with your videos caption, caption, caption. And Studio makes it amazingly easy. In fact, that was one way that my college was able to get Studio is that we were looking at accessibility and making sure all of our course content was accessible, and because Studio does such a good job with auto captioning we were able to actually utilize money for accessibility to help us get Studio. So that's what I've got. EDDIE SMALL: I love the-- and I do definitely want to dive into this with the panelists as a whole because I always enjoy the conversation where we were able to use separate funds that when we look at them right, when-- as an institution, as a district, as a university, when you look at specific funds that you might have in your budget, right, there all these things like, well, that-- we couldn't use that, right? And then you get in a conversation like, no, we can because there's so-- we don't have to do this extra step, right? And we can utilize those towards this specific tool.

And we're getting a lot of questions. Is it free? Is it a free for teacher version? Canvas Studio, if we didn't say that up front, is a paid add on to your Canvas instance. So if you don't have Canvas Studio and you're like, 100% we have to have this, we do recommend you kind of talk to your tech director or the person that's kind of in charge of running all your educational technology at your institution or your CSMs, if you do-- if you do have a close relationship with your CSM there in your Canvas systems as well. So I know a lot of people had comments about this. Chris, Dr.

Sean, you want to jump in, and Jim, talk a little bit about accessibility and what that's kind of meant in your institutions when it comes to using this captioning feature inside Studio? Sure. I'll mention something about captions. This is something I tell my faculty, and I mentioned it in the comments there. Caption everything. Even if you're not aware of students who particularly need captions for formal accessibility purposes just caption all your videos.

And so I tell my professors if they're creating a video for an individual student or for a class, an announcement, whatever it is, it's just a couple of clicks on the mouse to-- I mean, on the slide here we see you just click on captions and you select what language are you speaking, and then you have captions. And you'll want to-- that's another question that was in the chat there, is can you edit the captions? Absolutely you can, and you should review your captions to make sure that you don't-- It's pretty good to start out with. I would say about 85%, but you want to get that up to 100%. And so just want to make sure the punctuation is there. And-- so you definitely can and should edit your captions.

But there's really no reason not to caption every single video that you ever do. And as Kona said, you might not have students who need accessibility, but they might be at work or they might not. They might just want captions while they're watching the video. And so that's my appeal. Always caption all your videos.

And the other thing is even though chances are your instance isn't truly public facing if you caption all of your videos, which like Sean said you should, it meets five way compliance. Never have to worry about-- if you open things up even if you open up to parents, if parents find a video and see that it's not captioned that's an accessibility issue. That's a 508 issue and they can file a lawsuit against your district and your school, university, whatever. Just make sure that you caption. It's easy to use.

All right. Well, thank you guys for jumping in on some of the live questions. I was like, should I throw this up? Should we answer this live? I was a little nervous, but as you guys-- I just like listening to all of you talk. So I just let that happen. Thank you so much, Kona.

Again, we'll hear more from Kona as we go on throughout the presentation. We're jumping to Dr. Sean who is going to talk a little bit about guiding and how he uses Canvas to kind of guide through a lot of this instruction. Super excited for you to join us. Take it away, sir.

Awesome. Yeah, I think Studio is an interesting tool because of the functionality. When you think about the pedagogy, it has so many different applications. And I compare it to a screwdriver. You have a tool kit, and some of the tools can be used for various things.

A screwdriver, obviously, it's used for tightening or loosening screws, but you can also open a can of paint with it and you can also, I don't know, use it as a chisel. And it's just if you need it to be something then it can be that. And that's what Studio is for me. And so the screenshot there I like using Studio for my overviews for announcements and overviews, as well as if individual students have a question a lot of times it's just easy for me to create a screen cast. And they get that a little bit of face time.

They can hear my voice, and I can show them what to do. But for overview videos, especially I start every-- whether it's a unit or a module or we work week by week in my program that I teach and I like to just outline everything that we're going to do, tell the students, here are the readings, here are the expectations, the outcomes and the objectives we're going to do. Here are the assignments. And I walk through the assignments. And just in two or three minutes and I show them how to submit the assignments and what I'm expecting.

If there's a rubric, I'll just walk through the rubric and say, this is what-- because I teach higher education. So these graduate students they have a lot in their lives, and the curriculum is robust and they have to focus on mastering the outcomes, demonstrating, comparing and contrasting, analyzing. What they shouldn't have to worry about is, how do I turn in an assignment? What exactly is expected of me? And so that's what I tell them through video. And so it adds a personal connection, and it helps me to guide them. So I can be a sage on the stage.

But also, as a slide, I also take the guide on the side approach. That's very important to me that I want students really running the program. I want them to blow on the sail. I have my hand on the rudder, the ship is sailing, and I'm in control, but I'm having them then do the work. And I that's beneficial.

So I want to walk through an assignment, and this is an assignment that I actually teach. The screenshots that I'm showing you is a professional development course, so just some faculty. So no FERPA police alerts or anything. So I have a few steps. The first step is create a PowerPoint presentation with two slides.

The first slide is going to compare and contrast something. It can be comparing and contrasting the direct route to persuasion and the peripheral to persuasion, whatever it is. Second slide is going to take a stance on which one is more effective in whatever situation. So that's step one doesn't have anything to do with Studio. Step two we're going to get Studio involved.

And instead of just writing about the comparing and contrasting or posting and it's got a discussion thread, on the next slide, you can see that we're going to be integrating Studio into it. So I want them to create a presentation. Oh, sorry I forgot I had those animations in there. So we're going to be having a presentation where they're going to be using Studio to create-- to go over their slides with their camera on. So they're going to be talking through- so it's not a text-laden PowerPoint presentation.

It's more a multimedia presentation. And then on the assignment I have a Studio video showing them how to create a Studio video. So it's kind of like a Studio ception right there. And so-- because I don't want them to be confused. If it's a new technology, which for most of my students at that point Studio isn't new, but I still want to guide them.

So I walk them through exactly how they're going to do the assignments and so they can see visually what they-- what's expected of them. And then they just have to come up with the creative part, as in the learning mastery portion of it. The next slide. So that's two steps. One is pretty multimedia heavy, and then for the last one I have them respond with webcam videos.

And so the GIF I have here shows the discussion board here and just how interactive it is. You can see Studio videos, you can see webcam videos, screen casts, they upload pictures, they have text. So it's much more robust, and it's a better learning environment than if we just had a discussion thread that's a bunch of words, just a bunch of typing, which still that's good for critical thinking and written skills to an extent, but this also integrates critical thinking, it integrates presentation skills, and it also builds the communities. The people are seeing each other's faces, hearing their voices, learning their mannerisms, everything short of smelling their breath. We get that.

And that's really important to me because one of the myths of online learning is that online learning can be isolating and ineffective. And really any classroom can be that. But the truth is that in online learning, we do have to put efforts into engaging our online learners. We can't just assume that they're part of the class and so they're engaged. And so Studio enhances that.

It makes it easy to engage students. And I put this picture, this is just an unsplashed stock picture. And it's not really representative of a class, but if it was then my question would be which one of those around the table is the teacher? It's hard to tell. And that's really the goal of my strategy for teaching is that as long as the teacher is not that guy in the far right corner, the upper right hand corner-- you don't want to be laissez-fairing necessarily. But you want to be present at the table, but you don't want-- my approach is I don't want a stage, I want a shared stage, I want to share a table.

And so I'm among the learners, and they're putting in work and I'm put in work. And so that's my approach on how I use Studio for guiding my classroom. I'm curious, Sean and the rest of our panelists, on-- because I think there is this question on the pandemic is winding down wherever they're at on their blended learning or we've used Canvas very heavily during the pandemic. We're going back to the classroom. I wonder how much of this guide on the multimedia side-- which I absolutely love, by the way.

But I wonder how many educators out there-- I know hopefully most of the people here are like, yeah, we love this, and we're using it or we're interested in learning more. But there might be some educators out there that are a little bit nervous about how they go back and integrate this into some of the things that they are doing in the class. So could you and Kona and Jim and Chris speak a little bit, three or four minutes here on your thoughts on how video can be used to kind of to increase some engagement when you are face to face most of the time? Yeah, I can start since I'm unmuted already. But I really recommend-- so in the past year we have the new normal, whatever, they call that. We have a status quo, and now we're approaching to get back to pre-status quo, which is going to be a new status quo.

And so I would really reflect. And the model I like using is the start, stop, continue model. And so we've done things differently this last year. Some of them are good. And what are the things that you want to continue to doing that really works that you weren't doing before but-- you should actually get a notepad and actually write down what you want to continue.

What didn't really work? What are the things that you need to stop that you just found, this isn't really working. We had to do it but let's stop. And then are there other opportunities, anything that now that we have this experience of the past year and some of us are going back to the classroom, which we're familiar with, is there anything that I want to start, any opportunities that I should look for. So start, stop, continue model. And just know that right now we have a status quo, which is pandemic teaching.

And that's not a permanent status quo, but you don't want to just ditch everything that we've done and go to the thing that's familiar pre-pandemic. You want to really leverage the best of all of the modalities, all of the different approaches. KONA JONES: I can also jump-- Oh, I guess I should probably turn-- But I can also jump in really quick. I'm going to be teaching a hybrid honors statistics course this fall, which I'm totally excited to be back in the classroom. And one way that I'm working with Studio is that I really thought about-- During the pandemic, one of the biggest things people said was missing was that face to face, right? It was actually being together and having conversations together.

And yes, I think Studio Canvas are amazing at being able to have interaction, but it's still not the same as being able to just sit together. And so what I'm really doing is kind of using kind of that flip type model where I'm going to have all of my lectures, all of my content that I've spent the last year and a half creating, I'm going to leave that all up for the students. And when we come in I'm not going to sit there and lecture. We're going to talk. We're going to work on things.

We're going to do more project based learning, more small group stuff. And so that's for me how Studio really comes into play is that Studio allows you to have all of that really rich content in your lectures, in your information, and then when you get to the classroom you can do all of that stuff that students have been missing and that you've probably been missing as an instructor, and really have those face-to-face conversations and have those connections with students and let them have them with each other. Something that I think would be beneficial is how many people-- how many teachers can say that every student shows up to class every single day, right? No one can because it never happens. And if we have the videos created and we have that content there for the students instead of having to sit there with one of your students who miss two days and go over everything with them when you could be focusing on your whole class you have that video ready set in Canvas, and you can just direct them to that video where they can watch you deliver the content, and then maybe come back to you [INAUDIBLE] questions that they have. It's going to allow you to focus on the majority of your class, and allow that student to get caught up.

Or even if you have the videos out there ready if the student is sick at home and they still have the ability to do some work, they can do the work and come back to school and not be behind. So it really provides that anywhere, anytime learning for your students. It's just really great to have. EDDIE SMALL: All right. I can tell Chris is gearing up for the end of the session.

We'll let Jim jump in here and talk a little bit about some of the activities he does inside Canvas. He does have a very unique experience as a Canvas user. Jim give me-- Jim is one of our facilitators in the Canvas certified educator program. Correct? Yes. Right so he gets the opportunity to use Studio as a facilitator in that program, and it's a fantastic program.

If you haven't checked it out, we'll throw the link in the chat. But he doesn't have it for his institution, right, there at Yorkville. Right. Yeah, so-- So he gets to love it one day and then be like why in the world, don't we have this in the next. Exactly.

And Studio it is on my wish list for our Canvas instance. And like this year, we did the research and we are adding MasteryConnect to our instance. We're really excited about that. But to throw multiple things on our teacher's plates, not a really great idea because these professionals have been working their tails off the last year and a half trying to accommodate-- We have face to face, hybrid, and fully remote in our district this last year. And so we didn't want to add too many things to their plate.

But my wish list is to get Studio for my district. But in the certified educator program, I use Studio all the time. And it's really great having that single tool that does everything that we have to use multiple tools for in my district. So some of my teachers use Loom. All my teachers and students have-- we have paid version of Screencastify.

Some of my-- our middle school and high school have the paid version of Edpuzzle. And these are all great, and Edpuzzle has a terrific LTI with Canvas. But the problem is now I have to create a Screencastify. I have to share that to Edpuzzle. Then in Edpuzzle I have to take it, I have to embed my questions, then I have to set up the assignment in Canvas through the Edpuzzle LTI.

And then the grades have to pass back. There's so much involved in it. Why do I need to go through all that when I can simply go to Studio, make my recording. If I need it to be just my webcam of me, which hopefully not, but if I want to screencast, if I want to screencast with me embedded into the video, I can do all that from Studio. And then I can drop in my questions, because if you give students a 5, 10 minute video to watch and then you have questions at the end they're not going to remember what went on in the first minute or two and they're going to have to go back and start over.

With studio you have that ability to get those questions within so you can keep them engaged throughout the video. And the other thing it does is it keeps everything right there in Canvas. So I'm not having to go back to, like we use Google, I'm not having to go back to my drive find my Screencastify my folder, find the video that I want. Everything is stored right there in Canvas for me, right there in studio and global nav. I can go in and I can find what I want.

I can modify what I want. I can add comments, annotations, I can do all that and I also get the ability to see the analytics on it, like who's engaging with it, who isn't. So it really-- it's taking all these multiple tools, and I'm not saying that these other tools aren't great. They are, but doesn't it make more sense to have everything embedded into one tool within your Canvas instance. So yeah, like [? Mary Scott ?] said, fewer clicks and easier for students.

Yeah, exactly. The less clicks we have the better, the easier it is to find everything. Nobody wants to hunt around for their content, for their videos. Yeah, three clicks or less. Exactly.

Nobody wants to hunt around for all that stuff. We want it right there. I mean, we're trying to move forward and make things easier not just for students, but for our staff. This is, in my opinion, the way to go. It is truly a one stop shop, and I think that's what we're all looking for.

Yeah, we have a- and I love that Jim kind of threw in a lot of other tools here, because I loved Loom. I was using Screencastify at some points, Screen O-matic, all these tools to create content. But then I was having to put them in and then-- there was just always more steps for me as an educator-- JIM WOLF: Yes. --to using those tools. And then to have this kind of built and baked in, like you said and like we always say, everything in one place, right? Let's keep everything in one place.

There are some-- there are some LTIs that you can use as well, but this kind of eliminates a lot of those worries when it comes to multiple programs, multiple points of contact, multiple clicks. It really does help with that. I am going to throw a question to the panel on the fly because it's come up a lot in the Q&A. It's also come up a lot in the chat, and I am completely unfamiliar with this tool. Panopto, Panoptu.

Is it a higher ed tool, Kona, Sean? SEAN NUFFER: Not the-- Obviously I'm from the K12. OK, he's got it. He knows exactly what it is. Chris is shaking his head. Chris [INAUDIBLE].

EDDIE SMALL: So let's talk a little bit-- if we can talk a little bit about kind of how is it like or not like that tool. It seems like a lot of our users are using that. So I definitely want to address that elephant in the room and just say we've answered it live before we move on to our final segment. I was only going to say that-- and there's been a few other tools have been mentioned in the chat. So kind of echoing what basically Jim just basically said was some of these tools are probably amazing on their own, but it's that integration that's the part that I want.

And so Canvas Studio has a true integration, so I feel like that's where I go to use that tool over the other ones. But I can't really speak to being a user of that tool because I have never used that one, other than the fact that I've just had somebody send me a link and try to view it. And it's a little bit challenging. So Sean, I don't know if you could speak to better than I can. But-- Yeah, we currently don't use Panopto, but we've used that in the past.

So I have experience as a user and as well as training faculty on how to use it. And the comparison, I don't know if I should mention, but the comparison I usually make Studio versus Panopto-- Panopto is like an Apache helicopter whereas Studio is like a Prius or a Subaru. It's like-- Panopto is-- honestly it's better, it's more robust. But it's for multimedia people, and it can do a lot more. But the price tag is also-- there's a difference in price.

And for most of the time, you're not going to need an Apache helicopter. You're going to need to go to the store. You're not going to take an Apache helicopter to Costco or to the vet or to anything. So the best tool that I found is the one that faculty are going to use and that students will use. And that's really Studio.

Screencast O-matic is great, but Studio just integrating into the grade book-- the integration of Studio makes it just the best because it gets used at my institution. And the pricing is good. But I don't care about prices from my vantage point. I just want to be impactful in the classroom. I want my teachers to be impactful.

So I consider the teacher as my clients and the students are the clients of my clients. So I'm not concerned about lots of other things other than the streamlined focus. And so that's why we went with-- we actually-- I think we still have a contract with Panopto, a more limited contract, but now everybody uses Studio. And they're actually using it, which makes it a success. I love it's the mindset shift.

And I love that conversation. Dr. Sean speaks, obviously, from the heavens sometimes. And I really definitely believe that it is that huge mindset shift between do I use the more advanced and pro tool that would take me maybe time than it would if I was just using the easy tool. And that was something as someone who went to school for video production, that is a little bit of a perfectionist, was very set in its ways about what editing software I would use, and what editing software I then wanted to teach my students.

So I kind of hammered that advanced drum for so long and realized that I was putting the students at a disadvantage because we were taking way more time to accomplish the same end product, right? And I believe that's kind of where we're going. I don't know anything about this other tool, which is why I kind of let the panelists talk a little bit. But I do believe that it's one of those things where if we change our mindset a little bit and say, Yeah, might be the-- it might have more bells and whistles, but it takes me two hours to accomplish the same thing I could probably accomplish in 10 minutes in Canvas Studio. And if there's anything I love to give teachers it's time, right? I love to give that back to them. So any tool that I ever find and I'm like, oh, look I can save you an hour.

Try this thing. I can save you some time, I just believe it's super valuable because then they can get back to what they're doing best, which is teaching. And this kind of gets out of the way any time we can do that is super valuable. Chris, my man, bring us home. Let's dive into some deep thinking and building community.

I cannot wait. He's been very quiet, very active in the chat but very quiet in the group thing today. But we're going to let him shine here in the deep thinking spotlight. So on this next slide, which is I had to spend a little time hunting for it, but OK, give me a thumbs up in the chat, friends. As a student how did this make you feel when your teacher rolled this into the classroom? A thumbs up like, yeah, this was an awesome moment, thumbs down if you didn't like it.

But whatever. But just give me something because as a classroom teacher switch from teacher mode to student mode, as a student this meant, to be honest, I can disengage from the academic potentially and maybe just chill or maybe just relax. So yeah, video was the best day ever, 100%. And as a classroom teacher, early in my stage as a classroom teacher I probably replicated what my teachers did when I was a kid. Oh, bring in the video thing, the TV VCR combo and we're going to watch a video now, friends.

And so my students, probably not all of them, probably just disengaged from what we were doing. And so then I learned how to monitor that, how do I bring about some change. So let's preload with some questions. Let's watch shorter chunks. So I really did a lot of learning through my early years of teaching, and I've been teaching since '97.

So I'm kind of an oldie person. But the point is learn some of the strategies to make the videos, and the purpose of the video is engaging. And earlier I had written down how task, purpose, and audience are my three key principles for pretty much most things that I do as a teacher or in my position as supporting teachers is task, purpose, and audience. And so that VCR combo, it probably had a great audience but I don't really know if I hit the task and the purpose really well. So Ed, if you want to go to the next slide for me.

So then we move into this next stage which is OK, great now it's video day. We're all watching. And this wasn't-- this picture is not to make fun of that school or that teacher because that was me, we'd watch a video. Irony about this picture is there's an article about how watching videos engages students to learn about the topic, but I digress from that. But the point is now with Studio-- and if you want to go to the next one for me, my friend.

Now with Studio here's the deal. You can use those short YouTube videos. You could even record yourself a short video. You can preload these questions that you want for your students to engage in. You could have students just watch the video and comment.

Basically as a classroom teacher, especially with Studio in my possession, I don't really have the excuse to I could use a long time ago, which is we're just doing a video today. I need to be intentional on how I'm using those videos. And Ed, if you want to go to the next slide for me. So I need to be intentional on how I'm doing things in the classroom, which I should have been in my early career but I learned about intentional as I moved through as being a classroom teacher. And so now I can take that YouTube video or trying to mention I could record a video.

And I know that some people were having this conversation, what's the sweet spot? How long? Tons of research out there. Like were saying between six and eight minutes is really a long video, max. But the great thing about YouTube is you could go ahead and show a 30 second video and use that. And then I like the power of the ISTE standards. I've written them down on that slide.

Basically do more than just watch a video, right? Have your students engage with the video. They can respond to questions. Somebody had asked earlier, are there open ended questions? Technically, no. There's only three types of question types in Studio that I'm aware of. But you could put in a Canvas Studio video in a discussion.

Have your students respond to the questions. You get the analytics, and then maybe have a more open ended question in the discussion. And that way you're kind of measuring all that together. And then look at those ISTE standards, knowledge-- empowered learner, knowledge instructor, creative communicator. Let the students become part of the learning process, not just a passive absorber of information I guess I should say.

But that's basically what I wanted to share was just with Studio you have the intentionality to make videos engaging, to make learning engaging. And then I think Kona had mentioned earlier, the analytics. Did my students watch the video? How long were they watching the video. Anyway, that's what I have to share. That's why I'm passionate about it because I feel like this tool answers the question why.

It's kind of obvious. It's not just about watching, it's about actually engaging and being part of the learning process. That's what I got, my friend. Yeah, thank you so much for that, Chris. It definitely-- I love the why discussion because there's a lot of questions in here about what.

What does it do, right, how would I do that thing, or what will that accomplish for me in the end. But the ultimate why I think is our final fifth topic here, which is allowing you to build community. And I just want this to be an open discussion. We no longer have the fancy slides to back it up. And these folks have put together a fantastic presentation.

But I invite all of them to kind of just have a group discussion on how Studio or other video tools are allowing them to build community at their institutions. I just want to highlight Sean's quote earlier, everything but the smell of their breath. I still think that's one of my favorite quotes-- well, the Apache helicopter was second. But I think what he was trying to say was, listen, you can make online learning engaging. And Kona yesterday in our conversation was adamant.

You can make online learning powerful and engaging. So I think Studio to me brings that component. Absolutely. For the people who say, oh, online learning is not as engaging as face to face, and this is kind of the comment I had with Chris and everyone yesterday, I know my online students better in more rich environment than I do my face to face ones because-- and I think Jim brought this up-- I actually do engage with every single one of them every single week. And that's a purposeful thing.

But it doesn't have to. And I think Studio brings you the tools and provides for both your students and you the tools to help promote that engagement. I mean, there's lots of different ways. I mean, we could have multiple sessions just on that topic, but Studio is a tool that's got so many uses. I mean, like my school got it just for the accessibility piece.

But then it's exploded in terms of all of the different ways. I mean, even on campus we've got different areas making how to videos for faculty, and how to videos for students on different things other than just academics. Our marketing department is using Studio. So I mean, we're using it all around our campus because it's so easy to use, and it's really-- I mean, it's for our whole community. I've heard from some schools where their principal will make a weekly video using Studio.

And so yeah, the community it's they're all over the place. EDDIE SMALL: Dr. Naffer, do you want to take a stab at building community there in your institution? Nuffer. Sorry. I knew I was going to say it wrong.

You're muted, sir. But I unmute myself. Good deal. Yeah, for me-- so I teach all online. My institutions have face to face but-- and I'm adjunct professor as well, so in addition to teaching and learning.

So in both of my roles, whether I'm doing professional development for faculties or whether I'm teaching adjunct as an adjunct professor to students, that interaction is-- it needs to be purposeful. I mentioned before that we have to work hard in online. I'm speaking to online right now, but in every modality you can't take engagement for granted. And I know there's discussion on what does engagement mean, and everybody has their own definition. But whatever your definition is, you can't take it for granted.

You can't just assume that everybody's in the same place and so that means we have the same vision and we are a community. If you make that assumption then even if you are a community you start losing that over the semester. And so I love how Kona was saying you interact with every student every week. If you have a discussion board you have to be in the discussion board, even if it's a studio discussion. You can't just assume, oh, they have their webcams on, so that means that they're good to go.

My philosophy is in an online discussion, which I hate online discussions, but I try and make them creative and I put a link in the chat. Somebody was asking about-- so I put a video that I did on how I do discussions, but I need to be in there every week. But more than that my guideline is I want to be in there So if I have 10 students for easy math, I need to be in that discussion That's my-- what I hold myself to. And I need to answer, respond to each students at least one time. And it might be more.

I might be another 25 times. But I don't want to have too much of a presence at the same time. But you can't be absent. You can't be laissez-faire. And yes, so Studio-- I mean, it really helps us personify.

And for those who used it during the pandemic I don't know how I could have done it without Studio, but we we're using Studio even in the [? Arc ?] days. And I don't know when we started, but it's been a few weeks now. But yeah, you have to be intentional and purposeful in how you engage with your students I think. I'd love to get Chris and Jim's perspective from the K12 side. We are kind of closing in on the end of our session, which I'm super bummed about.

But there's a lot of questions and engagement based off of early elementary education, people that teach kind of the lower grade levels. Kona has been involved in some of those discussions, Dr. Sean has as well with some educators. But the focus really as Canvas has kind of evolved this year, has really been on elementary. And although we do believe Studio is a great tool for all levels of education, I don't necessarily know if we've really talked about that impactful lower grade level institutionalized use of Studio.

So I'm going to let you guys kind of riff on that a little bit so we can answer that question. But also kind of know that there are multiple things coming up and sessions happening. I know that the Facebook-- Canvas for elementary Facebook, shout out to those girls that run that page. SEAN NUFFER: Next Tuesday. They do a fantastic job.

And next Tuesday they're having a Canvas camp essentially, summer camp. And they-- there will be a number of sessions, and I'm almost 100% Studio is probably covered in those or the use of video for your courses. So definitely check that out. Huge shout out to some of our clients and customers putting that together. Not officially sponsored by Canvas, but we're definitely giving the blessing and allowing a lot of fun stuff to happen that day in their instance.

So talk a little bit about that lower grade level, some instances that you've seen it be real successful. I just want to say that basically-- I mean, obviously lower, lower level pre-K, 1, 2 I mean, you're learning to read and you're having to read a question, you're having to respond, you're having to type an answer, you are-- I think that is a limitation for our early learners. However, you get to the point where your students are in the point where they're basically reading to learn, watching a video, responding to a quick true or false question or quick multiple choice question. But then my favorite thing is you can add a comment as a student. You're allowed to actually type in your own question, and then if you want to use voice to text to do that, there's no reason why voice text can't be combined to go ahead and put that response in.

That's my-- Yeah, I agree. I think that's powerful to have that, especially with, like you said, with our students who are not quite there yet with their ability to write or to type to give them-- to truly give them voice by using their voice, right? Just allowing them to do speech to text within their response. But the other part of this for me is students don't really-- I don't want to say don't really. A lot of students at that grade level it's better for them to be able to learn through video than having to read, not just because they can't but because, let's be honest, in my opinion actually having to sit and read a book or read something is the most boring thing in the world. But if you put it-- if you give me a video, I'm going to watch it.

I always joke around with some of my teacher friends who like to do reading a lot. I do a lot of technical reading for my position, but I don't do a lot of casual reading if you will. But I always tell people, you know what? I didn't read that book, but if you put it on DVD I'll be the first one to read it. And I think a lot of our students feel that way if we give them content through video. But the other thing is if we show them our faces and they hear our voices as their instructor they're going to do even better with that content because it's coming from us, and it means so much more to them at a younger age.

Fantastic. Guys, we are up against. It 1:01 on the East Coast and we are so excited that each of you got to join us. Thank you so much. Get some love in the chat if you're still with us in the Q&A.

Obviously, we'll spend a few moments after the session when we kind of stop the recording. We will roll with some of those live, if we can. Thank you everybody. Lots of love coming through on the chat Chris, Dr. Sean, Kona, Jim, I can't wait one day-- none of us have-- Has any of us met in person? Kona probably has met a few people.

Dr. Sean, Chris, maybe a little bit. But I haven't met anyone in person yet. And when that day comes we talk about it on the podcast, Marcus and I are huggers. There's going to be some hugs.

We can't wait to see each other in person again. So thank you guys so much for joining us and sharing your expertise. This has been absolutely fantastic. As always, be looking for the follow up email that's coming to you as a register of this fantastic panel session on Studio. We will have tons of resources, tons of links, ways you can get involved with some questions about what are hard numbers on Canvas Studio.

All of those things are worked out with your CSMs. And we're not, unfortunately, salespeople. I just get to share the love of Canvas, right, with the fine folks that are our clients. Thank you guys so much again. Appreciate it.

We're out of here. Thanks for joining. Thanks for having us.