Bridging the Skills Gap: Utilising Canvas for Future-focused Skills Development Webinar


Are you concerned about preparing your students for the rapidly changing job market? In today's world, the skills required for success are evolving at an unprecedented pace. From education access and delivery to groundbreaking tools such as generative AI, technology is revolutionising teaching and learning.

However, many educational institutions struggle to keep pace with these changing skill demands, leaving students ill-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. Join us and explore how you can leverage Canvas to bridge the skills gap and equip your students today with the future-focused skills they need to thrive in tomorrow's workforce.

Video Transcript
Welcome everyone that is tuning in to our today's webinar on bridging the skills gap, utilizing Canvas for future focused skills development. We are just gonna give it a minute or so to let people jump into the call. So if you wanna grab some tea or coffee or water, this is the time to do that, and I'll see you back here in a minute's time. Hello, everyone. Welcome again to today's webinar where we're gonna be talking about how your institution can utilize Canvas for future poker skills development. It is, two past the hour on my clock, so we're gonna get started.

I'll start off with a bit of introduction of myself. My name is Ming, part of the solutions engineer team at Instructure. I'm based in Singapore. I come from an educational background just like many of you, I believe, in the room and right with me at the moment. I started my career as a chemistry teacher teaching teenagers between the age of thirteen and seventeen.

Did that for about four years before moving out of a classroom to a strategy role working at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education. So like I've mentioned today, today, we're gonna be, talking about how your institution can leverage Canvas for, to address skills gap. But before we jump into Canvas, let me briefly talk about what exactly a skills gap is for some of us who may not be familiar with the term. Now a skills gap, as the name suggests, is this gap between the skills of an employee, that currently the employee has and the skills they need to perform, they they require to perform the job well. So over the past few years, the past fast pace of transformation means that the world of work is changing faster than ever before, which led to this increasing demand for particular skills and gap in workforce expertise, which in turn are forcing workers to upscale and reskill themselves, introducing this growing group of nontraditional learners for institutions.

What I'm sharing on my slide at the moment, these are some data done by, from a study done by the Economist Impact focusing on the careers and economy here in APAC. My colleague, Alicia, is gonna drop the link to this study, in the chat at the moment right as we speak. So from this study, they have found that seventy five percent of employers here in APAC, government officials, and academics recognize significant digital skills gap in their countries. Coupled with that, about eighty six million workers here in APAC need to be upscaled or rescaled with more advanced digital skills to keep pace with these technological changes. Now we have seen the pandemic accelerating the digitalization processes of businesses, which, let's be fair, has brought about many benefits.

But at the same time, it has also aggravated this skills gap in areas such as artificial intelligence, a very hot topic today, cloud computing, as well as cybersecurity. So as a result, employees with these skills now have greater bargaining power when it comes to negotiating salary, when it comes to flexibility or training opportunities. For some others, on the other hand, this digital divide remains a barrier for them to acquire these necessary skills that they need to take their career to the next level, which is also why we are seeing an increasing trend. We are seeing more and more institutions starting to offer short courses and targeted training programs ranging from online courses to micro credentials to boot camps in an effort to bridge this gap. And that's what we're gonna be looking at today.

We'll look at how Canvas can support your institution in this journey to provide equitable access to a wider range of learners, whether that is traditional or nontraditional learners, to equip them with the future focus skills that they need to thrive in a workforce tomorrow. Now I will be focusing on four key areas, and these are also the key consideration areas for your institutions to think about when you are looking to craft programs for today's learners. The first one is really that focus on demonstratable skills. The emphasis on authentic assessment and that allows students to showcase what they have understood to showcase their skills effectively. Second one over here, recognizing that the pace, the time that every learner required to demonstrate mastery varies.

So how can we then support that differentiated learning to accommodate these varying timelines, catering to, like we've mentioned, both traditional and nontraditional learners? Thirdly, after our learners have obtained these skills, how can we enable them to demonstrate, to showcase these verifiable skills, thereby increasing the employability, facilitating skill based, hiring? And lastly, as our students are going through the learning, how can we provide them with their ongoing proactive guidance and support throughout their learning journey right and when they need it the most. And so with that, I am gonna jump into the Instructure learning platform to showcase how we can do that. So a learner can begin their journey on a shop front page such as this. This leverages Canvas catalog, which is our storefront solution, which has a catalog courses such as this for users to come in and browse and discover and search for the available competency based courses that, you your institution is currently offering. These are the, this is a place where, learners can use leverage this robust search feature or go into, these customizable filters to really tailor the As you can see, it is very much self directed, giving our learners the autonomy to chart their own learning paths.

And these catalogs can be targeted at prospective students, current students, or even staffs looking to upscale themselves. Gonna scroll down a bit. You'll probably see two types of listings over here, the course ones, the course listings, which are the majority of what my catalog consists of at the moment, which what this means is behind each one of this course listing is tied to one course that is sitting within Canvas. On the other hand, we also have program type listings. Now a program is essentially a bundle of Canvas courses.

So anyone that is enrolled to a program will have access to all of these courses that are sitting within the program. So what this means is that it gives your institution full flexibility in crafting the type of learning experience, the type of listing that you want to make available to your learners. Going into any one of these course cards, this is where we can see some vital information on the course offering. Now we've talked about this before. Many of these courses are catered to our nontraditional learners who may be doing it alongside a full time job.

So servicing essential information such as the estimated time required to complete this course upfront would be very helpful for them to make a more informed decision, on the time that they need to commit into the discourse before enrolling into the course. You can also put a price tag to these courses. So, you know, if you're interested in this infection prevention and control, feel free to give me ninety nine bucks. But jokes aside, you can definitely attach a payment gateway and market these courses for, let's say, your MOOC or distant learning arms and then begin generating some additional revenue for your institution. Scrolling down a bit, this is the place where you can give your learners full visibility on things like entry requirement, the targeted audience, the learning outcomes, and even the credentials that they would achieve by completing this course and how that relates to skills.

So once your learners have clicked enroll to the course, they will then be brought to Canvas, our learning management system, where they can access their competency based learning experience directly within Canvas. So swiping across my screen, this is me looking from Ayesha's perspective, and Ayesha the Just a quick orientation to the dashboard. On the left hand side, this is what we call the global navigation bar that allows users regardless of the role that you're holding, whether that is teachers, students, administrators to easily access several features within Canvas. Right here in the middle, these are course cards representing, in this case, courses that Ayesha is enrolled to as a student. And moving on to the right hand side, this is a to do list aggregated with things that Ayesha needs to go in and complete again from a student's perspective.

And if you do pay closer attention, these to do list also aggregates in a chronological order so that she can focus on the most imminent task right up front. In fact, the first few here are overdue, so definitely requires her attention. We can also switch this to what we call a planet view to view all of the to do list by date. This is also where learners can come in and add their individual learning items or reminders to the list or the skills that they wanna focus on. We really empower our learners to take charge of their own learning and manage all of these activities in one place so that they can focus on the skills, the competencies that they want to address.

Switching back to the cart view, I'm gonna click on one of the courses, creative engineering. Now clicking on that course cart brings a learner directly to what we call a course home page, which allows instructors to design and harbor way they like to introduce learners to a Canvas course. Now right on this homepage, I have recent announcement allowing my instructor to really stay connected with my learners. And right at the bottom, there are different navigation icons and clicking on those will bring me to different parts of the course. So let's get started.

Typically, when your learners start on a Canvas course, they'll be wondering how exactly do I get started. So this is where Canvas organize all of these course content in an easy to follow modular format. Right now, what I'm showing on screen, you can see six modules. I like to think of these modules as chapters or units within our traditional textbook, and each one of this module, let me expand it a bit to can be viewed out with different activities and content to help our learners progress through the course. Now these modules can also be designed with requirements and prerequisites.

In this case, my instructor have set it up such that I need to complete everything in module one, which have yet to done so as indicated by this, which is why module two is currently locked for me, and I can't access that. So this is one of the many ways to help instructors to design the course in a skills progressive manner that each of these subsequent modules view on the prior knowledge that a learner has acquired in the previous part of the content. Now your module can begin with a PLA, prior learning assessment, or in this case, I have also included a formative assessment at the end of the module to see if my students have mastered the skill set before moving on. Now speaking on assessment. So traditionally, when we do talk about assessment, it involves standardized test, quizzes, or exams that measure students' ability to recall facts and information.

And this is, how definitely how I have gone through, my schooling years. So at the end of the chapter, I sit for a test. At the end of the school year, I sit for an examinations. Now these tests and examinations are mainly focused on memorization or regurgitation of information with the primary focus on whether I'm getting that right or wrong answer. And in fact, I think this is still how majority of the assessment in schools and institutions are being done today.

But as we step into this new era where there is tons of technology such as GenAI or tools such as ChatGPT becoming increasingly accessible for our students, assessment practices Because we are realizing that there is a need to redefine assessment methodologies to more effectively evaluate what our learners have learned, not just the understanding of content, but also demonstratable skills. And this is where authentic assessment comes in. I have outlined, in on this slide some differences between traditional and authentic assessment. But in essence, authentic assessment is designed to assess students' ability to apply knowledge and skills in real world context. It emphasized a lot on higher order thinking skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity.

On and on Canvas, there are multiple ways that we can support that process. So some swiping over here. Now I'm going gonna go back into Canvas and looking at things from Chelsea who here post the role of an instructor. Now before I touch on anything to do with assessment, the first thing you'll probably notice is that the look and feel of this dashboard, regardless of the role that I'm logging in, whether that is an instructor in this case or as a student previously, the look and feel remains consistent. And this consistency in user interface is in fact done intentionally because we find that the communication between our users, between your end users, your support team, your administrative team, to our customer support team, all of this communication process becomes a lot easier when everyone is looking at the same thing.

Now going into the same course, the same piece of assessment, that formative assessment at the end of the module, This is where all of the instructions that you're seeing over here can be set up with our rich content editor, which is a what you see is what you get content editor. Just gonna expand it slightly so that we can have a better look at it. On the left, these are some basic text editing tools that many of us are familiar with. But towards the right, this is where things gets more interesting. This is where I can start pull up my webcam and record a video of myself speaking back to the camera.

And I think this is especially important for some of our non traditional learners, our distance learning students who may not have the luxury to be in that face to face traditional classroom. So having that simple tool such as this where instructors can easily pull out a webcam and record a video of themselves really adds the additional personal touch in this online presence, making sure that our learners feel supported as they go through their learning. Now I'm gonna exit that because looking at myself talking on the webcam is pretty strange. But towards the right hand side, this is also where I can leverage LTI framework to pull in a bunch of third party tools. Now LTI, if this is your first time hearing it, it stands for learning tool interoperability.

Pretty mouthful. But what it really is is this global ad tech standards that allows all of these third party tools. Let me just scroll down so you can have a look at it. To seamlessly integrate with, be integrated into a learning management sys system such as Canvas. And this list over here is definitely not exhaustive.

In fact, Canvas is easily the most extendable and or most extensible system out there, we can integrate with over six hundred third party tools. So what this means is that educators now will have a myriad of tools to create that that authentic assessment task besides just those native tools on Canvas. And those tasks can mirror real world challenges and scenarios, which enables our learners to develop those twenty first century skills that we have just mentioned, critical thinking, problem solving, those that they need to succeed in workforce and beyond. Scrolling down a bit here, I'm also allowing all of my learners to submit their assignment in a variety of format, whether that is a website URL, media recording, annotations, or uploading files or essays and so on. Now what is versatility means is that learners can express themselves creatively, and demonstrate their understanding using a diverse format.

We can also set up a peer review, a very important, feature when it comes to collaboration, facilitating that engagement between our nontraditional learners who, again, may not have the luxury of having that face to face constructive feedback as they learn. And as our learners are engaged in this meaningful discussions and learn from each other's perspective, we are promoting deeper learning and reflection. Again, I think this goes back to that whole theme on real world applicable skills beyond just regurgitation of facts. Not gonna save any of this. Gonna exit that.

At the bottom of this assignment, this is also where I can align a detailed rubrics and assessment criteria that outlines the skills that students are expected to demonstrate. This is also where we can, align or incorporate learning outcomes as indicated by this target icon or whatever you call it over here that, students or learners are required to achieve. So if I think about this, on one hand, if I am a student, I would like this because it gives me full transparency on what it exactly is expected of me, how my performance will be evaluated. On the other hand, for my instructors, they can also leverage this consistent framework to deliver feedback. And I am just gonna show you how exactly you can deliver feedback on assignments such as this, but not here.

I'm gonna do that on my mobile device. So why do I wanna do that on my mobile device? I think we can all agree that mobile apps have become such an integral part of our everyday life that it is no longer just this communication tool that it was first invented to be. So, I mean, just think about you for yourself. When was the last time time that you did something like banking on your laptop? I know for sure that I definitely can't remember mine because I do all of that on my mobile apps using the bank's apps, and which is why having a robust LMS mobile app is no longer a good to have, but rather a must have. So Canvas has a suite of native mobile apps available on both iOS and Android devices for students, teachers, as well as parents.

Now this is me on my iPad at the moment. I am gonna go into the teacher's app because we're gonna be talking about how teachers can deliver feedback on a mobile app. Now before we go into that, tapping into, the app, I can see all of the courses that I'm currently teaching, the same, courses that was on my desktop just now. Fee full visibility of my to do list, again, aggregated in chronological order so that I can stay up to date and focus on the most imminent task right up front. Going into that same piece of assignment that we were on just now, I am brought to this interface of what we call the speed grader.

Now the speed grader is the one place that teachers and lecturers come to to deliver feedback to learners' assignment submissions across a consistent rubric. Educators are able to deliver that feedback in a variety of format. Now as I scroll from left to right, you will see that all I need to do to navigate from one student spot to another is simply swiping left and right. A very intuitive gesture. All of us are familiar with that on a mobile device, and we have built that into our mobile app.

And regardless of the format that your learners are submitting the assignment in, whether it's a URL, a video in this case, just giving that a sec to load, or a PDF file, they are always displayed on the left. And rubrics and where you deliver that feedback, all of your comments are always displayed on the right. So if you record the consistency in user interface, we are also, manifested it here so that when your teachers come to the SpeedGrader, they will always know what to expect. Now I have mentioned this different ways that you can deliver feedback. For example, using highlights, different colors of highlights to represent different types of errors or annotations.

If something just doesn't look right, we can come and strike that through. Add inline comments anywhere on the document. Or if you're more traditional like me, I just can't give up my red pen. This is also where you can come in and draw stars and circles anywhere on the document just like what we used to do on pieces of paper. But right now, everything is paperless because you can do all of that on Canvas.

On the right side over over here, this is the same rubric that was attached to my assignment just now. Again, simple tap of a button. This is where you can deliver your grading. But beyond that, I can also add a more personalized comment whether that is through text or an audio or video file. Again, this is also a place where I can just simply pull out my webcam and record a video of myself speaking back to the camera, adding that extra personal touch in this online presence, really giving our learners the proactive guidance and support, whether that is, let's say, providing, corrective feedback to a student's work or elaborating on topics or providing guidance and encouragement right and when our learners need it the most.

Now I am gonna close that and switch back to my desktop view. Go I'm still on the same piece of assignment going into SpeedGrader, but now on my desktop. Now what I wanna highlight here is that you later when this loads, you will see that all of those markings that I've done just now on my mobile device has synced in real time to my desktop. So just think about the level of convenience that we are providing for your teachers or instructors. They may be, let's say, on their way to work, on the train or the bus.

They can take out their mobile device and, you know, grade a piece few pieces of assignment. And when they get to work, they can close that and continue where exactly they've left off on the desktop. Now all of this grading will be, automatically generated and updated in a place called the Gradebook. For some of you in Australia, this may be known to you as Markbook, which is, as what you will expect, a centralized place for educators to view grades and analyze scores. I am gonna refresh that to see if that looks great.

Now but beyond what you are seeing, which is a static, grid of marks and, grades that we are giving to our learners, this is also where, for example, in this, assignment, I noticed that many of my students have not submitted the assignment yet. So intuitively, as an instructor, I want to reach out to them to follow-up what is going on. Maybe the due date is coming up. You know? Is something happening? So I can send a message based on specific triggers to as a reminder or to follow-up with them. And in this case, even though I'm sending all of these messages to this message to nineteen students at once, this message will be delivered in a BCC style directly to our students' inbox, which is our internal messaging system in, to protect the privacy of a learner.

So, again, this is many ways that one of the many ways that we can help to drive that proactive communication between instructors and learners, facilitate meaningful conversations, giving our learners the guidance and support that they will need, they will expect in quality education. Now in addition to grades, on the flip side of the coin, we can track students' progress based on outcomes or standards. Now these are the outcomes, that are also aligned to my rubrics just now as I, was mentioning when we were on the assignment page. Now if we're talking about a quiz, it can go very granular into aligning each individual outcome to individual question level. So that that's pretty powerful over there.

And you can definitely have the option to set criterion rating level, mastery level. Here, I have five levels of them. You can also set calculation methods such as keeping just the highest score or having a decaying average, etcetera. Now we're not gonna go into each other settings of this, but what I want to highlight over here is that by surfacing these outcomes in a very visual manner such as this allows educators to easily get an overview of how my students are faring in terms of these learning objectives, the outcomes that we're trying to drive if they have actually acquired these skills, areas that my learners are succeeding, and in contrast, areas that may they may require additional support, and thereby, I can make subsequent adjustment to my, teaching instructions. Now back when I was teaching in a classroom, when I stood in front of forty students looking back at me, I knew that each one of them had different, learning abilities.

They learn at different pace. They have different preferences, different strengths, and weaknesses. But in a classroom setting, it was almost impossible for me to address all of these different, channel these learning needs. So here is how we do that on Canvas, leveraging mastery path. Mastery path is our way of providing differentiated instructions to our learners based on how they perform in a previous assessment.

Lots of words I know. I'm gonna explain to you how that what that means. Let's say in this quiz, test your knowledge of creative engineering that's out of twenty points. My learners will sit for this quiz, and those learners who are still struggling with the concept now scoring between zero and eight points, upon completing this quiz, they will automatically be directed to these four pieces of resources that I've set up for them. My middle tier learners will have somewhat grasped the concept, but we know that they're not quite there yet.

Scoring between eight and fourteen points, they will now be directed to a different set of resources. And my highest ability learners will have mastered the concept. They can just come in and look at either one of these two. And all of this logic, I know all, can be very easily set up with simple click of a button. Now what this means is that experience tells us I mean, if let's say I'm not doing well at a piece of quiz such as this, giving me that same quiz over and over again is not gonna be very helpful because what I now need is different resources, all resources presented in different ways.

And mastery paths does exactly just that. Giving our educators the autonomy to determine which group of learners have mastered a concept perfect, but which group requires additional support, thereby guiding them to their individualized pathways. And speaking on the topic of differentiated learning, we have established right at the beginning this right at the beginning of this webinar. The rapid changes in job markets and technology has led to this growing demand for upscaling and rescaling. And in response to that, we've also talked about this before.

There is a rise in institutions, maybe just like yourself, offering micro credentials. And many of these courses are also cater to our non traditional learners. And these courses are often self paced and work on a rolling enrollment basis. So, traditionally, when we do talk about self paced courses, they often rely on learners to set their own schedule and due dates, on their own terms. While this may work for individual learners, it may not provide enough structure for learners with busy schedules or hectic lives, which, let's be fair, constitutes to majority of these non traditional learners.

So here is how we support that on Canvas, leveraging course pacing. Course pacing supports instructors with courses that have staggered start dates or rolling enrollments that require differentiated due dates on when the students have started. So, again, that is a lot of words. So I am gonna explain how that works. So in this course of creative engineering, right now I have nineteen pieces of assignment.

This is where I can set on average how long it takes for my learners or what I think how long it would take for my learners to complete each piece of this assignment over here. So on average, it takes about nine weeks, four days for all of my learners to come in and complete skipping the weekends. So that depending on when a learner has enrolled to the course, their individual due dates will be set automatically based on this pace or the plan that I have designed. Now if you're an educator like myself, you probably have raised the question by now. What if some of my learners require additional time? Or on the other hand, what if some of my learners who are super fast learners, you know, they can complete the course? I think they will do it within, in less time than the rest.

And you are absolutely right. We know that each student learns at different pace. So cost pacing, exiting that allows you to provide an even more individualized pace for each groups of students such as this marking group over here or each individual student. For example, Aisha may need additional time. So really allowing every student to progress at their own pace, tailoring their educational experience to their unique needs and abilities so that no one is left behind.

Now we have alluded to the concept of micro credentials briefly, a couple minutes back. Much of the power of competency based education comes through the granularity of information about the competencies that the learners have mastered. And micro credentials validate and showcase skills and competencies in a meaningful form so that your, learners can take educate their education This is where as your learners are completing their course, they can be automatically awarded a digital badge, a micro credential such as this. Now completing the course, this can be completing a module, scoring certain percentage of points in an assignment or a quiz. And upon doing that, they will be automatically awarded these verifiable credentials.

Now I mentioned a keyword here, verifiable. What does that exactly mean? So all of these digital batches that you are seeing over here, they are not just pretty image files that I'm making randomly or like a JPEG or PNG, and I'm uploading it here. But rather, all of them adhere to the open badges standard, which is a global badging format, issued by one attack. If you do recall that LTI framework, learning tool interoperability, that is another framework that is issued by one attack. So Open Badges, another one of them.

What this means that having that globe adhering to this global format of digital badges is that it makes these badges verifiable, portable, and packed with tons of information about skills and achievement due to these metadata that is packed behind each one of this badge. For example, what exactly is the criteria that my learners need to display before they can be issued this batch? The evidence that they need to show, the skills that are tied to the batch, who exactly is the correct recipient, who is the issuer. In this case, it will be your institution. Issuing date and the expiration date. For credentials such as this, laboratory safety, maybe I do want my learners to conduct or to complete this, course and have this batch refresh every two years or so, and this is where you can set an expiration date.

And what does verifiability means, if that is even a word, is that, let's say, I have a dispatch on laboratory safety and I decide to showcase my skills. I want to share that on, let's say, my social media network on LinkedIn. The recipient or the audience was the audience will see dispatch, who very likely can be my potential employers will be able to verify that I am indeed the correct recipient for dispatch, and I've indeed completed all of the criterias, met, display all the evidence, and met all the skill set that is required to obtain this batch. Now all the badges that your learners have earned are stored in a place called my badges, which, as the name suggests, is a collection of all the badges that our learner has earned within your organization or your institution as well as outside the current institution. So your, learners may be earning credentials from other institutions from the other MOOC or distance learning courses, and all of them can be populated here.

So you can think of it as this repository that allows learners to showcase their skills and achievement in a variety of ways. For example, Canvas credentials. This is a new batch that I've earned. Just locked me out. No worries.

Let's sign back in again. Going back to that same batch, Canvas credentials, because it's a new batch, so we wanna celebrate it, and that's why you're seeing this confetti. I can also share that through a variety of format. Let's say whether that is via a link or on social media, for example, what I was mentioning just now on my LinkedIn or embedded as an iframe via HTML. Now as your learners are showcasing these, skills and if it helps them to force to foster that self growth, that self development culture, and it creates this whole virtual cycle of upscaling, rescaling, allow our learners to keep up with be it the changing job markets or the evolving technology.

Now as your learners are building up their skills, attaining more credentials in their, my badges, we can also take the learning experience to the next level by stacking these badges into what we call a pathway. Now I have three pathways over here. Just gonna click on one of them. Now I like to think of pathway as this road map that we view to help our learners through a program to showcase their skills progression towards obtaining a meaningful outcome. Now I've just opened that in another window so that we can have a clear clearer look at it.

This pathway that leads to me obtaining this final super batch on creative engineering, Typically, your learners will start from the left and work through all of the steps that you have build up for them in a very clear, very visual format. You can also set up requirements and prerequisites and even have optional badges over here. For example, in order to obtain that final silver badge, I will need these three trophies. And in order to go move on to the silver trophy, I will need to have bronze trophy in my my badges first. And these badges can very well be aligned to a skill.

For example, I like to talk about communication a lot. So I want my learners to be competent with this communication skills. So this communication batch can be aligned to, let's say, a module that is currently sitting within my Canvas environment that learners need to do it asynchronously. Together with that, they also need to deliver set up these pathways to incorporate courses or modules or, badges provided from these partners so that your students can get access to a wide variety of courses and activities, providing them with more opportunities to explore and discover more options for the future. Now I've just come to about forty minutes to my demonstration.

I think that is a lot I have shown starting from how your learners can begin their journey in a self directed manner on a catalog page to enrolling themselves, going through that competency based learning experience that you can design for them on Canvas to finally obtaining that verifiable credentials that they could easily use to showcase their skills progressions. And all of which revolving around the four focus areas that we've talked about at the beginning. Let me just pull out my deck at a more, previously so that we can have a better look at them, the four key focus areas, focusing on demonstratable skills, recognizing that time, it takes for every learner to to master varies, attaining verifiable credentials and also providing learners with proactive guidance and support. Now I do have many more things that I do wanna show you, but for the time being, I can see that, q and a session is popping up a lot a lot with questions. So I am gonna leave a bit of time, about twenty minutes or so, to answer any burning questions that you may have.

So if you do have any questions, please pop them in the q and a session, and I will get to that in just a minute after I have a drink. Right. I am seeing a question from anonymous attendee. Do you have a library of typical rubrics that's aligned to learning outcome to the learning outcomes on Canvas. So at the back end, we do have, standardized rubrics or learning outcomes that you can attach to your assignments.

All of the rubrics and learning outcomes can sit at course level or at an account level, which if they sit at an account level, then instructors or instruction designers can leverage them to pull into your Canvas courses. So the answer the short answer is, yes. We do. Another question from Vandana. Presently, I'm working on school happiness and using Canvas.

Can my course be an OER for Canvas community? I would need more clarity what is OER. So if you wanna elaborate on that, that would be great. Next question. Is there a functionality in your LMS to search online videos and resources in public domains with such keywords? So, yes, leveraging the LTI tool, you can search out, let's say, YouTube videos and, embed it directly within your rich content editor and have that available to your learners. One question from Anna.

Is there any way we can incorporate gamification element within Canvas? Excellent question. So So if you go back to credentials, you can actually allow a leaderboard. Let me see if that is being turned on here. There you go. There are leaderboard points, and learners, when leaderboard is turned on, can also view how they are positioned, as compared to their peers.

And we can also have their names anonymized so that to protect the privacy of a learner while adding that gamification, adding that a bit of fun element to their course. Next question from Helen. Is the site designed mainly for schools? What about adult learning tutors, course creators? Yes. We definitely do have a wide variety of use cases from k twelve schools to majority of our customers are in higher education, but there are also, lots of, customers in the RTO or adult training or, corporation or organization space and even government organizations as well. No worries.

Another question from anonymous. Sorry. Like, affiliate. Our augment when they use our link to be redirected to Canvas. I would need more clarity on that.

I don't quite understand the question. So could you elaborate? Another question coming in from Vandana. Blue button. I'm assuming you mean big blue button. That is our built in video conferencing tool.

So very much like Zoom, Microsoft Team, but you can conduct a video conference, synchronous session directly within Canvas. So it is a third party tool, but we have included a basic version free of charge to all of our customers and have viewed that into our platform. Question from Helen. What about non RTL? Yes. Private tutors, course creators.

Definitely. We do have a tuition center here in Singapore that is currently on Canvas. I think, overall, I think you can see that Canvas is pretty flexible. We can cater different learn type of learning experiences for different organizations or institutions. So it really depends on what you're after.

And then, when you do purchase Canvas, we have our implementation team will who will be in charge to set you up for success to really help craft your, design your to help you along the way to make sure that your, Canvas experience is set up to to the way that you envision it to be for your learners. Awesome. No worries, Helen. All good. Still waiting for some clarity.

I think there was question on OER. Might just search that up at the moment. Open educational resource. Great. Yes.

You can share that, leveraging comments. Let me go into comments. So com comments is our learning object repository. You can think of it as a library that holds all of this learning content that the rest of our community has shared and make it available to, the rest of the community. So this is where, let's say, I am starting a course on photography, and I don't know how to get started.

So I can quickly come out and search for how other people have done it, look for some inspirations. And if that looks good to me, preview that, I can directly import that into my existing teachers so that they don't need to start from instruction designers or for your teachers so that they don't need to start from scratch. And if you do wanna share your resources, yes, you can make it available to comments as well, whether that is sharing with the rest of the public community, or you can also share it just within your institution. You may get one more minute. So if you do have questions, pop them in the q and a.

I'll be more than happy to answer them. One question has come in. Is it possible to run academic and skill based courses side by side? Any restriction or needing to be one type of courses. Absolutely not. You can there's no restrictions, and you can, yes, definitely run, them side by side.

So we have, this feature called subaccount. I can just maybe let me just go into my environment so that you can look at it. So I like to think of subaccounts as, mini Canvas instances that says within that overall root account, which is what you're given when you do purchase Canvas. And these subaccounts can mimic the overall sorry. Many institutions use subaccount structures to mimic the overall organizational structure in your institution.

So for example, I can have one subaccount dedicated for my, distance learning. I can have one subaccount dedicated for my pure higher ed academic programs. I can even have subaccount dedicated for, let's say, skills based or out of the curriculum, co curricular activities. And each one of these subaccounts can have its own settings and is really used to organize your users or courses. So, yes, definitely.

That's a good use case for that. Another question that came in from Helen. How is marketing handled? So we are instruction learning platform that provides you with teach, enables you to create that elevated teaching and learning experience. But if you're talking about catalog page that, you decide to use to market some of your courses for public offerings, these marketing efforts will need to come from your institution. But we definitely provide the tools for that such as catalog.

Alright. Don't think there's any more questions coming in. I think we can call it a day. Well, thank you everyone, everyone for attending today's webinar. The resources will be made available after this webinar. So, keep an eye on the email that is coming in. Thank you, and have a good day.