[Centro Escolar University] Developing Microcredentialing Programs

Video Transcript
So a lot of us are concerned about AI taking our jobs. I'm genuinely concerned about Leo taking, my job, in short with the amount of knowledge he has around Canvas and how he can support customers with their questions there. So all of you have been sitting for a three thousand six hundred seconds. I trust you're tired. It's the end of the day, so if I could kindly ask everybody to please. Stand up.

For the next sixty seconds as I introduce our new guests. So our new, sorry, guests coming up now is a vice president of academic affairs at Centro Escala University. I've had the pleasure of working with, doctor Theresa Perez, over past four to five years. And she, like many other of our executives such as, Leo, are very hands on and know that very much details of Canvas and the various parts of Canvas. So, again, if we could please give a nice round of applause to doctor Theresa Perez.

So just lastly, Doctor. Terry Pres will be presenting on developing micro credential programs in central, central Escala University. So, again, the university has been known for their various innovation over the several years, and now they are going on to a journey on micro credential programs. So Doctor. Theresa, I'll pass it over to you when you are ready.

Oh, sorry. Please do take a seat. Okay. Good afternoon. Everyone.

Sorry about that. I would like to show my appreciation to Canvas for inviting CEO and share with you. Actually, this is a work in progress, developing micro credential programs in Centreskullar University. So we have not had any experience doing micro credentials yet, but, what we will be doing is we will be starting this is cool year. And so we did a lot of benchmarking.

We want to share with you and maybe later on I can hear some practices also from you. So, I have so that's why, I have so many materials you to a lot of benchmarking, and I was in APAC digital skills gap last week. And again, the topic was about micro credentialing and AI. And so there are a lot of things going on. And so we are here really to be able to make sure that we are in the right track.

So a month after. Yeah. A month after the pandemic last year, our university president said that we should be able to continue our quality education offering quality education and engagement in the university. And, in doing this, we made sure that we start we did a lot of scenario building. And what we have seen is that there is a change, a lot of change that will be happening in the educational landscape.

And so, therefore, we have to make sure also that we will be able to identify different educational architecture on how we will be offering our programs. So Did the topic this afternoon is about micro credentialing programs at Central Schoolar University. This is how we would like to do this. And, so the first thing is we have the introduction to micro credentials and digital badges. And, We know that in today's evolving educational landscape, staying ahead, requires embracing innovative approaches that cater to both the needs of the students and the demands of the industry.

You know, while we are complacent, our programs. We know we are offering quality education. We have been doing our best. The industry sector is due, it's having a lot of changes in the way they do business and, business and activity. So there is really a big gap in, the digit, especially in the digital skills.

So micro credential, which is the focal point of our, topic this afternoon is a transformative tool that empowers educational institution like ours and yours I know to bring the gap to bridge the gap between traditional education and the skills required by industry. So micro credential is an assessment based record of focused learning and, achievement verifying what the learner knows understand or can do. This is being delivered supposed to be in bite size, chunks. There are certain micro credential, programs that is offered from between four hours to eight hours a day, but there is a specific skill. So they have to be stand alone so that they may be, they may have value and can contribute to other micro credential courses or macro credential courses, meaning to say they can be also stackable.

So the digital badge is the visual representation of the achievement gain from the micro credential, and it contains, it's not just a big, a beautiful picture, but it contains metadata on the learner, the Bodge issuer, the criteria to earn it, and the evidence that the criteria has been fulfilled. Okay. So what are the benefits and relevance of micro credentials? So let us, go over them very quickly. So the first is addressing industry demands industry today are seeking candidates who possess specialized skills that are aligned with the evolving requirements. So micro credentials provide targeted and efficient way to address this demand.

By offering bite sized skill specific learning opportunities, we can ensure that our students are equipped with the precise competencies that employers actually require. So that's it doesn't mean that we only give this to graduates those who are industry, but we can give this to our, existing students also because we know that our, traditional programs sometimes, luck or a gap. There is a gap, a skills gap that is that by the industry immediately. Flexibility and customization. So traditional degree, programs often follow a one size fits all approach as I mentioned.

However, the student's journey is unique at this time with varied aspirations and learning basis. Microfidentials empower, learners to customize their education, selecting the skills they want, and develop and to develop themselves to advance at their own pace. The the adaptability fosters a sense of ownership of one's learning journey. Then we have recognition of incremental progress. Learning is a gradual process.

And micro credentials recognize and validate incremental progress as a student complete individual micro credential modules, they gain tangible representation of their achievement. This digital budgets become visual testament of their growing skill set motivating them to continue their educational journey. We see them in LinkedIn. The first time I saw them in Lincoln, I really do not understand what they mean. So enhancing employability beyond the theoretical knowledge, employers value practical skills enhance on experience.

Microcredentials provide evidence, applied expertise, making candidates more attractive to potential employers. Life long learning culture. Microcredential fosters a culture of lifelong learning. In a world where new technologies and trends emerge rapidly, professional needs to update their skills consistently, micro credentials encourage individuals to stay relevant by offering opportunities for upskilling and rescaling throughout their careers. Building a diverse portfolio.

So traditional, degrees offer a broader education while micro credential allows students to build, diversify skill portfolio. This versatility enables them to adapt to various roles and respond capabilities with rapid changing job market, demonstrating commitment to learning earning micro credentials that showcases the students dedication to acquiring new skills. They demonstrate a practice that is proactive to self improvement and showcases their commitment also to, as I said, life long learning, encouraging innovation, micro credential encourages educators, like us, to be innovative in curriculum design. This is different from the usual, design curriculum design that we do. It provides an opportunity to experiment with new new teachings methodologies and formats, keeping the educational experience fresh and engaging.

Tracking and assessment, allowing granular assessment of, learning outcome is important. Educators can pinpoint areas where students excel and where they need further development. The data driven approach enables continuous improvement in program design. And so that is actually, as mentioned a while ago, it was very important that we do. We use data in decision making, not anecdotal.

Like, we do also. So incorporating micro credentials in our educational framework isn't just a trend. It a strategic move to stay relevant and responsive in the face of rapid change. By embracing micro credentials, we are empowering our students with the skills they need for success in their careers and contributing to the trans transformation of education as a whole. I will not go over this one by one, but let me just enumerate the essential steps to creating micro credential program, define learning outcomes and competencies, collaborate across disciplines and iterate design clear assessment criteria and methods map out illogical curriculum learning pathways choose suitable programs, develop engaging and interactive learning materials, pilot and refine the program for effect ness, establish transparent communication channels, implement monitor progress and gather feedback evaluate program impact and make necessary enhancement.

I know you are familiar with this because this is most more or less the same way we do, curriculum development. So let me just mention some, best practices that was done by, universities abroad. So this is a case. The first one is the case study of effective implementation. Of stand for university, micro credential on design thinking and innovation.

So it has gained recognition for its innovative approach. The program, offers, includes a blend of online modules immersive immersive workshops and real world projects, participants learn by working on design challenges from various industries, collaborating in teams and receiving feedback from mentors. This case demonstrate how a holistic roads combining online learning, hands on experiences, and memter's mentorship can lead to impactful skill development. Another case was the, Harvard Arts Extension School's digital marketing strategy is tailored to the diverse learners' needs. So they offer a variety of learning options to cater to diverse learners, participants choose between self paced online track, a blended learning format bought online and in person or what we call hybrid or an intensive boot camp style experience, which is face to face.

So this example showcases how often different learning formats, accommodate varying schedules, learning preferences, and levels of engagement. So we are seeing that we are not in micro credential. We are not offering, the program, the way we want to offer it but the way our clients or our students want them, how to learn them. So therefore, we have to be flexible with the way on the way we offer these programs. And then we have also collaboration across disciplines by this entrepreneurship and innovation.

This is actually a collaboration of the business school, technology, and, technology and, design designers, curriculum designers. So they are, they guide participants through the process of developing and launching innovative ideas and by integrating insights from multiple fields, MIT creates a comprehensive learning experience that equipped learning with a well rounded skill set of entrepreneurial success. And then the last is university's water loss applied AI micro credentials, which is the case or industry and employ an employer engagement. So water loss, collaborates with leading IT companies, tech companies to develop micro credentials in applied artificial intelligence industry and partners with the University of Doctor. Lou, who will now, develop the program curriculum.

So ensuring that it addresses real world industry challenges. Hey. So what is a what about implementing. So I will now go to the implementing micro credentials at Centres Colar University. So these are the strategic steps that we are doing, we will be doing in implementing micro credentials in the EU.

Number one is develop a micro credential program aligned with needs and goals. So there is a need assessment and alignment at the moment our schools and academic departments are preparing, programs that they need to are are on. They are preparing needs assessment to ensure that they will be able to identify the skills and competencies that are currently needed in, in high demand by industry. And they then they align these micro credentials with the strategic goals of the university ensuring that they complement and enhance the existing programs. Then cross functional collaboration, so this is faculty members collaborate instructional designers, technology experts, and industry partners to ensure that the micro credential programs are well rounded and relevant cross functional collaboration brings diverse perspectives.

So it's the school and the department who is, passed to do content while we have instructional designer in our center for excellence in teaching and learning who helps in the development. And then we have also our technology learning department who provides the necessary express infrastructure. And then, of course, our industry partners who will make sure that the skills that we will be providing are the ones that are needed by industry. Then preparation of micro credential proposal pro program. Okay.

So that is the program proposal. So there is a format we follow in the university. Then we seek necessary approvals to establish, channels. So in our case, This is submitted to the office of the OSBPA and, who reviews the proposal and convince the curriculum sub committee We have subcommittees who now review and recommend to the administrative council or the City Council approval of the program. Then we do pilot phase.

So before we do, university wide conduct of the, micro credential pilot phase will be done with select group of students. And this is one of the best practice says. So this allow for testing the program's effectiveness and identifying potential challenges. Now marketing, after this, we have marketing and communication. So this is to create awareness about the new micro credential program.

And clearly communicate the benefit, the learning outcomes, the value of the program to the students, faculty, and potential. Employers. And then, of course, we have also, as always, faculty training. So provide faculty members, micro credential, delivery, and training of the program. Then we ensure also quality through, ensure quality, quality through ongoing evaluation and refinement.

So we have course evaluation. We have evaluation of the faculty, and we also have evaluation of student engagement. So recognize achievements and creditable digital badges. So this is important. This is still we will develop and we hope that it will be it could be put in campus also.

Develop a system for issuing and displaying digital badges, a tangible representation of earned micro credentials. So we would like to ensure that these badges are well designed. Easily share a ball on online platforms, enhancing the recognition and credibility of our students' achievement. And of course, scalability as micro credential gain traction plan for the scalability while maintaining quality. So ensure that resources, faculty support, and technology are in place to accommodate increased demand without compromising educational variance.

Then we have to make sure also, quality assurance in the program. So we ensure alignment with CEO educational goals and mission. So this is our framework for maintaining the program quality recognition. Ensure that curriculum and assessment are well structured, meaningful and effectively measure intent, effectively measure intended skills and competencies. Faculty should be knowledgeable, experienced, and capable.

Then technology, infrastructure, and digital platform should be supportive interactive learning. Support should support interactive learning reliable assessments and issue issue once of digital budgets. Continuous review of the quality resources provided to students and then ensure that assessments effectively and fairly measure the learner's mastery of identified competencies. And how do we do that? Yeah. We have the clear credentialing process established clear assessment and approval criteria.

So provide concise information about the skills acquired in issuing institution, quality badge design, ensure secure, and visually appealing digital budgets and communicates a sense of achievement to learners and employers, blockchain technology, explore blockchain technology for authenticity, security and verifiability of digital budgets. Then we also have, aligned programs with industry standards collaborate with industry partners. So I learned in the United States. The industry are collaborate collaborating with other private institutions also who provide certification to certain skills that are needed by the, industry. Then consider articulation pathways for credit transfer.

That is if we want to, make micro credentials as stackable and be part of bigger courses. And then engage in in going professional development, engage employers, and highlight success stories. So I hope I was able to do that in time. This is quite long. Thank you very much.

Any questions? References that I used. Excellent. Thank you so much. Is there any questions in the crowd? Yep. Just over there, you could go to microphone just to the table number due to the left.

Good afternoon. Thank you so much, ma'am, for that, talk about the micro credentialing. So I'm from Cambridge University present assessment, and we create online courses also. So I have two questions actually. One is that, who are our target audience in the micro credentialing courses that you're preparing at Central School University And then second, you mentioned that there is a gap with traditional learning, and also the work four skills that are needed for our students.

So, and I think we're still also very conservative here in the Philippines. That, sometimes the certificates they'll be present to the, organizations, they're not that they're not credited. So how do we assure that this micro credential courses that our students have taken would be credited by the organizations that that they want to work with. Yeah. Thank you very much.

So, actually, that this is still really an issue in the Philippines, the crediting of those micro credential by industry, we got, that this is actually one of, I took a global academic leadership program in AIM, year, two years ago And, actually, one of our project was on micro credentialing. And we are we we have submitted to Chad a paper, a position paper regarding, accreditation of some of our micro credential programs because we would not want any any just any organization to give these programs to anyone. So, we believe that there are still well, there are experts in industry. There is this is given by industry, but then, we have experts actually in the university. I think we believe that we have parts in the university who will be able to deliver this.

And, just last week, I was talking to one of the commissioners in Chad And, she was saying that they have already, draft of, the guidelines on the micro credentialing and AI. And, but, on the side, I also told her, yes, we would like some some some some guidelines from Chad. However, we would not like Ted also to regulate us too much on this one because that will be a problem for us later on also. So I hope that, it will it will come. UP open university is active also in micro credentialing.

We have having conversations with them on this one. And, we hope that our industry partner. So that's why we say, the the badges are very important. The digital badges are very important because the digital badges, if we put, the blockchain technology, I'm not a technical person, so I cannot really explain too much on that. But what I'm I know is that if we have the the the blockchain, then we could see there the the the competencies that the students have learned.

It is, you the the employers, the industry can also see the issuer So is it a credible, organization? Is it a university? And then you could also see some the the the outcomes and then me what else? Whatever it is that we want to put into that, blockchain in that digital badge. So that's why it is important also that we will be able to design that digital badge effectively. So and then the first question, which I think I jump onto the second. The first question is that, we are very traditional in our programs. Yes.

We are very traditional because many of us still follow our our PSG. I know our beans are very strict in following the PSGs of that commission on higher education, but, I think many of us here at Autonomous University also, and we have, and we can do innovations in our curriculum, but still, we the the tech the industry, the digital skills gap between the university and the industry is getting bigger and bigger. That's why these, micro credentials are important. We can offer this to our students, existing students. We can offer this to our alumni.

And if our if the people in the industry needs upscaling or scaling and retooling. We can offer this to them also That way we also help in nation building. Excellent. Thank you so much for all the insights there, VP Perez. Other questions from the audience? Just so I got a question towards the back.

If you could just keep your hand raised. Good afternoon, ma'am. I think most of you are from the Akadim or school So, I'm not from a university or from a school. I'm from in direct from the industry, but I was really very interested with your presentation. I came from a motorcycle, detail and financing.

And eventually, we are venturing to power supply in in, the southernmost part of the Philippines, the per just basing Orthikas. And one of the current projects that I'm currently running is for us to have an LMS because we are present in the entire Philippines up to, as far as, And most of the people in our ground are mechanic laypeople, and one of the advocacy of our organization is to professionalize them. Though some of them are already attending test the horses for them to be NC certified. But we want to further enhance their, you know, academic or their skills and their knowledge. Very interested on how can this because she's told a while ago school linking to the industry.

But can we reverse it? How can, you know, something to, like, ask in the industry, be linked to academic institutions like you Thank you so much. Yes. It's a two it's two way. So it's, public and, industry school partnership. So, actually, you could link.

I know if there are engineering schools here. I know Don Bosco, you can link with Don Bosco with the way, you want the programs offered. I think Don Busco is a good school to link with, and, you can discuss with them what you want to teach your your clients, and then this, the school will develop the the curriculum for you. Because what is what is nice also with the universities or schools is that, we don't only teach the technical aspect, but we also teach the soft skills, which is very important also in industry. So, we know how to teach the soft skills.

So, therefore, you can you can approach any university. I think universities are open to this now. And, I'm thinking of Don Bosco, as I said, And, one sample that I can give also is United laboratories, unite, you know, United laboratories. They have a lot of, they have a lot of clients, I mean, employee employees all over the Philippines also. And, what they are doing actually is offering micro credential courses among their employees, not only to the pharmacies, not only to the, to the, medical representatives, but they also offer courses to, to to people like, like, of machine operators because they say they stuck they stock, cartons of, medicines, and they are not using ladders now and putting them up, but they are using machines and equipment, and how to use this equipment, the employees do not know anymore.

And so they have to conduct trainings, micro credential courses so that they know how to to do, the electronic way of stacking up things. So I think, yes, you can link with industry or with a school. Thank you so much, doctor Perez. And we'll take one last question, towards the back on my left hand side. Good afternoon, Ram.

I'm just curious. I'm I'm just curious how you were able to deploy Canvas. To facilitate your micro credential courses, especially to, you don't. We have not yet because we but we are planning also to use Canvas in deploying them. Alright.

Because we you produce the curriculum, you produce the modules, and then you just enroll the students published the course. That's it. Yeah. To follow-up, are are you considering the solution of Canvas, which is Canvas catalog as was as what was presented earlier? Canvas what? Catalog. Credentials.

So it's to micro credentialing tool or catalog? Yes. Yes. The the one that contains all the courses for not traditional learners. Catalog. So, Canvas catalog, which is an additional product.

That's one of your products. So usually in CEU, we develop our own. At the moment, we are developing our own, but, we are all also open to options. Excellent. Well, thank you very much VP Perez, Doctor.

Theresa, if we could give her a nice round of applause. Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, that brings us to the end of the leadership track. We have a jam packed afternoon just to wrap up the day. Following this, we have gained the best return on investment with your LMS, which will be facilitated by Sally Langford, including Ryan Gossling and myself.

If you get that joke, you get that joke you all seen him earlier. And then lastly, we will then have the keynote, which I trust none of you want to miss out. This is going to be the keynote of the event. Delivered by Harrison Kelly, senior regional vice president of Asia Pacific. So I highly recommend if you are thinking of leaving, do not leave.

We are locking the doors, blocking the gates, placing security in front, so you have no choice anyways. Please do stick around. And following this, we will now have What you all like to call Marienda. Did I pronounce that correctly? Fantastic.