FLVS Global Credit Recovery: The Magic of MasteryPaths in Canvas


FLVS global

With more than 20 years as a leader in the online learning industry, Florida Virtual School (FLVS) works with hundreds of online and blended learning programs across the country to provide Kindergarten-12 grade products and services. In the last year, FLVS Global, the division of FLVS that serves clients outside of Florida, has added its 13 course Credit Recovery (CR) suite for high school students to Canvas.

Using the MasteryPaths feature in Canvas, FLVS Global staff have applied considerable customizations to courses to create the magic of our Credit Recovery suite. Specifically, we have used rules and conditions on pre-tests, based on specific standards and objectives, to gauge each student’s level of mastery and to determine which lessons to exempt.

When students begin an FLVS Global Credit Recovery course, they start with the pre-tests. Once that’s complete, the magic happens! The student’s default view in Canvas doesn’t bother showing lessons the student has already mastered; the student only sees lessons they need. Canvas even removes exempted items from the individual student’s gradebook and recalculates their grade based on those exemptions. That’s a big deal! But sure, sometimes a student just got lucky on the pre-test, and the teacher still wants him or her to review the content related to a particular standard. No problem. Teachers can easily reassign exempted course items to an individual student or to an entire class.

MasteryPaths save teachers time and sanity by easing the burden of manually personalizing a student’s course while still providing the flexibility to teach how they want. Gone is the heavy administrative tedium of matching up assessment questions to lessons and translating it into manually hiding lessons and updating gradebooks one student at a time!

For more information about FLVS Global and its use of MasteryPaths for Credit Recovery or other course content, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to chat and show you how our courses look in Canvas!

Keep learning,

Candi Flater
Client Technical Support Manager at FLVS Global

Jarlyn White
Client Technical Support Specialist at FLVS Global

Nicole Burden
Client Support Manager at LearnNorth Inc.

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